Here at Y natural, we are committed to making the highest quality, most luxurious, most naturally beneficial skincare and haircare in the world. And we hope to inspire you to learn about the products you use each day, so you can make the right choices to improve your skin and overall wellbeing.

Our products are:

    • Made from highest quality Certified Organic ingredients, meeting the stringent standards of ACO, NASAA and IFOAM;
    • Pure and natural. Our ingredients have not been put through chemical or petrochemical processes that can taint the ingredients with carcinogens and mutagens. No ethoxylated, alkoxylated or synthetic ingredients are added;
    • Made with the finest pressed or steam distilled essential oils, such as rose otto, frankincense, myrrh and sandalwood. No chemically-extracted oils are used in any Y product;
    • Scented and coloured by the natural ingredients within each product. No artificial colours or chemical fragrances have been added;
    • Preserved using most gentle and natural methods possible. No synthetic or paraben-based preservatives have been used;
    • Free of sugar cane ethanol-based emulsifying and preserving systems which, although natural, may be drying for the skin and result in a product that does not meet Y natural’s standards for quality, luxury and effectiveness.